Let the Voters Decide Roe v Wade

Everybody is talking.

Everybody is talking about it.

But what is “it”?

“it” is “should the mother be a higher priority than the fetus.” The fetus being a human living and growing inside a mother.

Another way of saying it is: Does society, represented by the government, have a responsibility to protect human life? If you say yes, as you should, then where is the line drawn?

Is it when life begins or some other time in the future?

Roe v Wade was decided in 1973. The Supreme Court found that the ‘compelling’ point, in the light of present medical knowledge, is at approximately the end of the first trimester and in that time frame the woman has the exclusive right to pursue an abortion, not subject to any state intervention.

Subsequent to approximately the end of the first trimester, “the State in promoting its interest in the potentiality of human life may, if it chooses, regulate, ………”

The Roe v Wade decision did not conclude that abortion was “OK” anytime, anywhere, anyhow.

Reversing the Roe v Wade decision reverts the laws related to abortion back to the states. The voters in each state can elect their representatives to create state law to match the voters preference.

Since 1973 science has progress to the point that life can be detected much earlier than the end of the first trimester.

A woman today can decide not to get pregnant with all the prevention methods available today. Getting pregnant, or not, is a choice a woman can make. Once pregnant the choice is to kill a human life growing in her body or give birth to a human child. Adoption is an option.

The issue remains is human life to be protected.


Will Not Cost a 1₵

Spending $4.5 Trillion

The Con

It is the same old long con taken to a new dimension. The Bigger, Badder, Bankrupt bill passed in the House will likely cost $4,600,000,000.000. Not the $1,780,000,000,000 as the House Speaker claims.

The gimmick loads the bill with a parade of what is intended to be permanent social spending programs that are set to expire in a few years knowing that once they become law, they will be extended beyond the sunset date and become permanent. In fact, many of the expensive welfare program expire in one year in the bill. There are at least seventeen benefit programs that sunset is a few years.

The Congressional Budget Office on December 10, 2021, confirmed in a letter that if the various policies were made permanent rather than temporary would increase the spending to $4,800,000,000 and increase the debt by $3,000,000,000,000.

There is nothing as permanent as a temporary government spending program.

An example is the bill grants a one-year extension to the child tax credit. $300 every month per child under age six and $250 every month per child six to seventeen. Once entrenched you should expect a forced vote to make permanent or remove payments to millions that have become addicted to it. Monthly payments to millions of parents are not going to be scrapped.

Bottom line is your government is comparing the revenues (exaggerated) it claims to be collected over ten years with spending perhaps as little five years. That they say, “Is fully paid for.” Do you believe? Yeah, you try balancing your budget by comparing the future ten years of pay checks with five years of spending and see how that works out for you.

If that is not enough for you, the puppet is insisting that government spending is an “investment.” An investment is acquiring an asset that lasts. Government spending is consumed and gone.

This spending bill if passed in the Senate will destructively balloon the national debt. It will consume more of your hard work in the form of additional taxes or inflation or both. At the end of the day, you will pay.

We Americans better wake up and vote. Join the team make a donation. Make a call and write to your federal Congressman and Senator today. Stop the insanity!


First Class Americans are Exempt from Vaccination

An estimated 59 million Americans receive welfare during an average month. Plus, there are 640,000 Postal Service worker, plus Congress, plus the illegals cross into our country. These people are in first class.

Then there is another is 80 to 100 million Americans get up and go to work every day. These citizens are in the back of the bus class. This is the class that make America work. Many have put themselves at risk by showing up every day to care for those with Covid-19. They make and deliver the goods and services. They pay the tax used to support the massive welfare system.


The Puppet has mandated that the back of the bus class must be vaccinated or lose their job. The first class are exempt from being vaccinated.


What class are you in? Is that the America you voted for? Voters Matter, join the team and make a donation.

Christmas in August

China is saying thank you Santa Biden. Santa Biden just gave China a very nice gift that they can check off their wish list. Now China will have the dominate relationship with Afghanistan with all of it valuable mineral resources. It will also give China a land bridge with Iran and from there directly into the Mideast and Europe.
China has a 56-mile border Afghanistan. China’s interests in Afghanistan goes deep. A stable Taliban friendly government in Afghanistan is a potentially important boost in China’s move to expand its economic and political clout amid what Mr. Xi has called the “decline” of the United States and other Western democracies.
China has been financing infrastructure projects in developing countries in return for access to natural resources. China may now trade support a Taliban controlled Afghan government for interest in the developing oil deposits and valuable rare-earth minerals there. The globe appetite for rare-earth minerals is growing rapidly. Rare-earth minerals are used in a variety of industrial applications, including electronics, clean energy, aerospace, automotive and defense. China accounts for over 65 percent of global production of rare-earth production and Afghanistan will only add to its inventory and monopoly. China is set to tighten its hammerlock on the global market.


I heard National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins state that there many studies related to the effectiveness of mask on the CDC site. So, I went to the CDC site . What was found there is amazing.
I am not a “professional” scientific study expert. However, I did not find any planned study that compared a “control group”, with/without mask, vs “a “non-controlled group”, with/without mask.
The first on the list “Hendrix” investigated 2 symptomatically ill hair stylist with 139 clients found that none of the 67 clients that consented to an interview and testing developed infection. Think about that. 2 hair stylist and 67 clients are a scientific study.
The second “real-world” study cited was of 124 Beijing households with > 1 laboratory-confirmed case with mask use before symptoms reduced transmission to others in the households. Yeah, that’s it trust China.
The next was a “retrospective” study of 1,000 Thailand persons interviewed “of those who reported”.
The “Science Brief” states that a study of 382 young sailors of the outbreak aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, found that use of face covering on-board was associated with a 70% reduced risk. But actually, a look at the study, it says taking preventive measures such as face covering, avoiding common areas, social distancing and presence of antibodies contributed to reduced risk. The brief ignores a couple of things – young healthy adults and other preventive measures.
The “Rader” investigation was based on self-reported web-based survey. That is unbiased science?
The “Wang X” related to healthcare workers probably using N95 mask. Not general population and cloth mask.
The table of studies cited 15 investigations, of which the “Outcome” was Estimated Seven times. Many of these followed mandatory mask wearing by political dictate. So, the scientific outcomes are based on estimates and “could haves”.
Another interesting point in the “Science Brief”, is mask wearing has no significant adverse health effects. There was no change in oxygen or carbon dioxide levels while wearing a cloth or surgical mask. Among 12 healthy non-smoking adults, there was minimal impact. 12? Ugh
What is glaringly absent is the current surge in cases during the mandatory mask wearing in many states. The cases are going up but the mask are on!!!
Could it be that the mask mandate is pure political bureaucrat activist masquerading as scientist?

William J Stieren