First Class Americans are Exempt from Vaccination

An estimated 59 million Americans receive welfare during an average month. Plus, there are 640,000 Postal Service worker, plus Congress, plus the illegals cross into our country. These people are in first class.

Then there is another is 80 to 100 million Americans get up and go to work every day. These citizens are in the back of the bus class. This is the class that make America work. Many have put themselves at risk by showing up every day to care for those with Covid-19. They make and deliver the goods and services. They pay the tax used to support the massive welfare system.


The Puppet has mandated that the back of the bus class must be vaccinated or lose their job. The first class are exempt from being vaccinated.


What class are you in? Is that the America you voted for? Voters Matter, join the team and make a donation.