Biden’s Weaponized The IRS


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The Puppet wants to increase Internal Revenue Service funding by $80,000,000,000 over the next decade nearly double its current budget. IRS will hire an additional 87,000 agents. Just think of the additional service $80,000,000,000 and 87,000 agents is going to get you in the near future. In 2020 the IRS was able to answer 24 per cent of its phone calls. Oh, there is $2,000,000,000, 2.5% of additional funding, for increase in taxpayer services.

There is some good news. The push back on the proposal to have all banks and other payment services report all American citizens transactions to the IRS has been deleted from the current bill passed by the House of Representatives. You the voter can take credit for this as you spoke loud and clear.

So, what are the expected effects of the increased funding? The basis for the dollar return comes from the IRS itself. Imagine a government bureaucrat guessing how much more dollars it will bring in if only the bureaucrat had more power to do more enforcement and audits. The enforcement activity will depend on the IRS’s capabilities. Their ability to generate revenue from additional auditing and collection and their ability to prevent fraudulent refunds. They also expect the increased enforcement to modestly increase voluntary compliance.

It is asserted by the administration that there is roughly $600 billion annual gap between taxes legally owed and taxes collected. The gap is mostly due to high income filers noncompliance. The assertion that it is the high-income noncompliance is the problem is highly suspect. Where is the factual basis for it? Why not go after them now? If it were the problem, would not increasing enforcement now generate more revenue than the cost?

The administration (IRS bureaucrat) claims that the $80,000,000,000 will increase revenues by $400,000,000,000 over ten years. However, the latest Congressional Budget Office estimate is an additional revenue of $200,0000,000,000. The expenditure is certain but additional revenue is suspect and uncertain.

There is no plausible way for the scandal ridden and union dominated agency to absorb so much extra cash and power while avoiding waste, fraud, and abuse. The probability of returning to a politicized IRS is considerable. It has a history of overreach and abuse of political enemies of the then in power administration.

Americans can expect an additional 1,200,000 audits with half hitting the middle class making less than $75,000 and small businesses. But do not worry your number is in the lottery.

We Americans better wake up and vote. Join the team make a donation.