Not Elected

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the President who took office in January of 2021 is not capable of making the executive decisions required by the executive branch of the U.S. government.

So, who is putting those lines on the teleporter to be read with instruction to take no questions? “Or I will be in trouble” the President said. He has become known to many as the walk away President. He is often using a fake White House set that features a digital monitor that allows him to read a script directly from a face-on monitor.

Somebody is making the executive decisions. Who?

Is it the Cabinet? But it appears the cabinet was selected for diversity not competence. Nearly 55 per cent of Biden’s cabinet is non-white and 45 per cent is female. That is good optics for the Dark Side media, and socialist. But they have not shown any ability to manage anything. Think southern border, inflation, Afghanistan, energy, covit-19, legislation, climate, Justice Department, supply chain and….

White House staff? Many believe this is where it is. The White House Executive Office is filled with an outlandish number from the Obama administration. It is known by the insiders as Obama 3.0. Hillary was 2.0.

There are two that stand out and may be the strings on the puppet president. They are Ron Klain and Susan Rice. Ron Klain is Biden’s Chief of Staff. Susan Rice is Director of Domestic Policy Council

“Few people in Joseph R. Biden’s inner circle have thrived in the swamp of Washington more swimmingly than Ron Klain” Washington times 11.29.20.

Mr. Klain also served as Mr. Biden’s chief of staff during his tenure as vice president. He has worked three stints in the Clinton and Obama administrations, along with top jobs as a Democratic Senate aide.

You remember Susan Rice. She was on the media circuit the day after the Benghazi attack claiming it was caused by an unknown video tape. She was Obama’s Ambassador to the United Nations. She also served as Obama’s national security advisor and involved in the Iran nuclear deal, Ebola epidemic, reopening Cuba, the Paris Agreement, and many other Obama era issues. She was and probably still is close to Obama.

In her position, Rice, you can believe she has a large role in developing and implementing Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, that would invest trillions of dollars in American infrastructure, socialism, manufacturing, green energy, caregiving, education, and racial equity.

Thing is American citizens are entitled to know who is making the executive decisions and policies. You can be assured it was not the President who took office January 2021.