Behind the Curtain
Backdoor talks
What is in It
There were back door talks between the puppet, Senate President, and a couple Dark Side holdouts at an October 2021 weekend at “Joe’s”. Do you think the puppet masters were there? You will not see that in the news. Deal made in a smokey backroom at Joe’s place. Wouldn’t you like to know what they are smoking these days.
Remember the goal is to put more of the economy’s resources under the control of the politicians and bureaucrats. Reduce resources in private hands – Yours.
The Dark Side appears to have reached a compromise and cobbled together a social spending package.
The Dark Side is desperate but know something has to be done. So, expect something.
You may have heard “We have to pass it to find out what is in it”. Well, it is happening again.
The Dark Side repeatedly said $3,500.000,000,000 (3.5 trillion) will not cost a anything. The puppet claims it will not increase taxes on American taxpayers making under $400,000. Their internal fighting is about how much can they hide and get away with. They will raise taxes on the middle class. No worry they are expert at using misleading gimmicks, with the help of the Dark Side media, to conceal who will pay the true cost.
You know they will spend it on some really important things like these gems:
- Lawful permanent status for non-citizens (Amnesty for Illegals)
- Paid unemployed youths to lecture taxpayer on climate change
- Billions in tax incentives for green energy
- Tree equity
- $250 monthly payment for each child
- Entrepreneurial program for formerly incarcerated individuals
- Reporting to IRS practically everyone’s bank transactions.
The Dark Side testing some new ways to tax.
- Tax on Billionaires unrealized increase in wealth – only a few 100
- You know like the first income tax was 1% to 7% on wealthy
- Social Security was 1% on first $3,000 wages
- Alternative minimum for 155 people (now affects 5,100,000).
- Tax on corporations’ “Alternative” income – what is reported following SEC rules.
- More unknown
The package will be 2-3000 pages of jargon and legalese. Public will see it on Thursday and Congress will vote on it the following Tuesday. Time to resist. Call your representatives Now. Vote in 2022.